(生产厂家: SIEHE)

品类: 1519 配件和备件
最近更新: 22.04.2024 加入备选清单
机械设备: SIEHE Bild
产品编号: 162883874
价格: 380 €

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品类: 705 制药及化妆品设备
最近更新: 22.04.2024 加入备选清单
机械设备: SIEHE SXJB-300 Dual Planetary Mixer
产品编号: 162906024
生产年份: 2020
价格: 53.000 €

We offer for sale a brand new high-speed dual planetary mixer with a working volume of 300l, blade rotation speed 0-72rpm, homogenizer speed 1450rpm and squeegee speed 40rpm. The operating time of this machine is a maximum of 20 months. The machine was used in the prototype process for the production of the BMC mixture.

品类: 705 制药及化妆品设备
最近更新: 22.04.2024 加入备选清单
机械设备: SIEHE SYC-300 Extrusion Machine
产品编号: 162906109
生产年份: 2020
价格: 12.500 €

We offer for sale a new hydraulic press (65t closing force). This press is used for extruding and dosing mixed mixtures. The operating time of this machine is a maximum of 20 months. The machine was used in the prototype process for the production of the BMC mixture. The machine can be supplied with a special stainless steel tank with a volume of 400 l.

RESALE used machinery 25 years online