(生产厂家: SHAPER)

品类: 1102 引擎
最近更新: 23.04.2024 加入备选清单
机械设备: SHAPER für Befüllung von Ölkanister
产品编号: 162820777
价格: 290 €

Filling station for oil, compressed air pump for fresh oil, remote oil equipment, oil dispensing device, oil filling device, oil transfer pump, gear oil pump, hydraulic oil pump, oil centrifugal gear oil pump -operated: by hand -2x: separate tanks with pumps -with return: into the tank -Dimensions: 800/530/H1100 mm -Weight: 88 kg/piece

品类: 1102 引擎
最近更新: 23.04.2024 加入备选清单
机械设备: SHAPER für Befüllung von Ölkanister
产品编号: 162820780
价格: 450 €

Filling station for oil, compressed air pump for fresh oil, remote oil equipment, oil dispensing device, oil filling device, oil transfer pump, gear oil pump, hydraulic oil pump, oil centrifugal gear oil pump -Hand: operated -with: return to the tank -Number: 2x pumps available -Price: per piece -Dimensions: 580/590/H1005 mm -Weight: 70 kg/piece

RESALE used machinery 25 years online